Friday, January 22, 2010

Furnace Filter Time Hours How Long To Set Filter Time On Thermostat?

How long to set filter time on Thermostat? - furnace filter time hours

Does anybody know how many hours do I configure my thing again warning filter in my electronic thermostat? It made me, if I my furnace filter. You can setting between 0 and 1950 hours to 50 hours. I just changed my filter now. Thanks for any help. I have a standard 16 "x 25"
Gas furnace filter.


latenttr... said...

The thermostat is in a position with the "run" for what the other answer is the right way, but he forgot a multiplier effect on the average execution time corrected. I use the 60% when Timers filter
30 days x 24 hours = 720 x .6 (60%) = 432 hours

lj1 said...

It is recommended that you change the filter every 30 days. There are 720 hours over a period of 30 days, while 700 hours.

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